Copy of Copy of Universal Wisdom card #3
Zoom online course
Service Description
We each have a divine spark that resides in each of us but not everyone takes advantage of this wonderful energy. This is your power source and your connection to ancient wisdom that is available from source. When we wake to this beautiful power within, life begins to lighten and decisions we make become clearer. The path opens to the energy of Divine guidance, and all we need to do is walk into it. Join me for the class in removing blocks that we carry from the past that are keeping us from our Universal Wisdom. Chakra to work in: Divine spark just above your naval. Fourth Charka Heart Sixth Chakra (your intuitive gifts) Supporting products recommended to be started two weeks before class. Whale Essence: WE 7 Sei Whale Dolphin Essence: DE 11 Dusky Dolphin Butterfly Essence: BE 04 Simi Parillion Sea Essence: SE 37 Grenadier Goddess Elixir: GEL E) Suma God Elixir: GEl J) Baleh: Zoom call to start at 6:30 pm cst.
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