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  • SE 03. Gossamer Parasol
  • SE 03. Gossamer Parasol
SKU: SE 03

SE 03. Gossamer Parasol


SE 03. Gossamer Parasol Mid Turquoise


Keywords:  Enhances heart to heart communication


It is a communication enhancer between people for enhancing commonly held perceptions and increasing real heart contact.  It has the dual function of sharpening visual perception and enhancing heart to heart contact, so that there is a fuller appreciation of the beauty of the natural world, and the human mystical connection with all things, as a result.


Many sea essences are relationship enhancers, and this essence improves the relationship between human beings, by improving sincere heart communication, and improving the overall relationship to the environment.  Through its visual similarity to a high frequency communications antenna, gossamer Parasol draws attention to its properties of increasing communication on many levels, with other human beings and with the natural world. 


By enhancing the astral body to overcome inertia.  It directly stimulates the heart center.  This has a synergistic effect on the heart centers of those all around one, increasing the energy flow between them.  This produces attunement and an enhanced communication between people and communication becomes more heartfelt, and less head centered.  Thus, sincerity and honesty increase with a real sense of caring.  Combined with the increased visual perception of the world around one, it becomes an essence with profound ecological implications, as it will help in the re-education of many people who lack a greater sensitivity to the natural world.  It increases visual perception, by dissolving blockages in the etheric body in the part of the nervous system connected to the visual senses. 


Gossamer Parasol has the ability to restore a sense of wonder in the natural world, because the mystic appreciation of life is awakened as the heart center is ignited in people – this is because the 4th cosmic ray of mysticism works only through the heart center of human beings.


You can read more about the SE 03 Gossamer Parasol in Erik Pelham book : Butterfly and Sea essence” page 172.


Ways to use this essence:


-This essence can be diffused in a diffuser. Use purified water, one teaspoon of brandy and six drops of the essence.


-It can also be put into a blue glass spray bottle to be used as an air freshener. To Create this, use a blue glass bottle 50ml. One teaspoon of brandy, purified water. Add six drops of the essence and enjoy.



How this essence works is up to each individual and their personal interpretation of how they feel it is working for them.


If you decide to purchase more than one essence, be sure to use each essence by itself for three days to help integrate the energies of each essence. This will create a download and a personal relationship with each essence. Once each essence has been integrated then you can use them all together. Enjoy!


Set I
This is the first set of 14 Sea Essences and it represents the beginning of the connection process with the ‘Sea Devas’. The effects of these essences may help us with some of the most basic and common issues within human relationships. They are from sea creatures that have distinctive properties,
which through usage, familiarity of properties become accessible.

For example the ‘Barrel Sponge’ is one of the larger varieties of sponge in the Earth’s oceans. lts name
also leads us to understand its usage. A barrel “contains” so therefore, the essence of the barrel sponge can be protective of the fields that surround us. ‘Nautilus’ is a unique creature of the sea, its spiral form gives us a close association with the ear, or kidneys of the body, therefore the essence relates to the hearing function and energy. Perhaps aiding the ability to listen with attention.
Energetically these essences represent the starting point in the Sea Essence sequence, and are an
excellent introduction to the Sea Essences. They may enhance relationships in clear ways helping us to grow in well-being and to be able to import the positive aspects within ourselves.


Recommeded use:  Three drop a day, three times a day anywhere on the body.

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