Goddess Elixirs Full Set
The entire collection of Goddess Elixirs.
Goddesses of the Divine Planes for all humanity, to help us through this challenging time by supporting us with their love and care. For the first time the Power of Love is rising through the feminine elements of Life by the energies of Heaven, as they connect with and uplift the energies of Earth. Heaven is literally coming to Earth to transform us back to our Heavenly Home and Divine State of Being! This is one of the most exciting events ever, and to support this our Female Divinities are sharing their Being Energies together with Celestial Angels, Dolphins and Whales, Gems and Flowers and our Sea and Butterfly friends in these Elixirs.
Never has such a lovely product been available energized by the Female Divinities of Life. There will eventually be seven of these Goddess Elixirs in the series, and their names will be given in some cases in the Japanese forms and in other cases by the Solar and Divine names, given to Erik by them personally.
Each Elixir has a characteristic perfume in a pure natural form and is a perfume chosen by that Goddess e.g., Bergamot for Amateras, Melissa for Ayesha and Rose for Kaya.
Goddess Elixir-
How do you use the Goddess Elixirs? You can spray them in your living space or spray them directly over the body. There is no one way to use them. Here is how I like to use them.
Before I start my day, I ask which goddess wants to work with me. If you are using a Goddess from your card pick, then that decision has been made for you. I start by spraying the Goddess directly over my head. Close my eyes and spray my face and heart. I sit and let the energies envelop my being and settle in. This opens a gateway for the essences. I always start with a Goddess Elixir.