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  • GEL F. Alina Goddess Elixir

GEL F. Alina Goddess Elixir


GEL F. Alina Goddess Elixir

She is the Goddess of Love and Creativity on the Solar Planes and is the Divine Being most connected with human love and relationships.


Alina is the Female Love/Creative Aspect of the Divine on the 6th Divine Plane, which is closely connected with the Solar Planes, as the Etheric Plane is strongly linked with the Physical Plane.  She is pure fun and joy and has a very light, bubbly personality.  She loves pleasure and her energy helps us to really love ourselves “warts and all” and appreciate our individuality.  She is a very jokey Goddess who brightens up the day with joy and humor.  She helps anyone feeling depressed, lonely, or alienated from others and she creates beauty wherever she goes.  In relationships she creates positive energy with real optimism, drive, and energy to improve the quality of our physical life.  She represents the 6th or Brow chakra, and she helps us to be quick thinking, smart and intelligent about our lifestyle.  She helps us feel connected with everything and everyone and enhances our social life to connect with others around us in a very positive way.  Shel helps us to be very clear on issues with being overwhelmed with details.


Alina is for being fully present with others helping us to an asset to everyone around us.  She helps us to be outward going, happy and positive even when we face many challenges and problems.  Alina improves vitality, joy and well0being at every level and will be a great addition to our lives.  


The deep yellow butterfly color energies bring optimism, positivity, joy and wellbeing.  They are antidepressant helping us to overcome loneliness and a sense of alienation.  Dawson Sun Starfish relaxes the nervous energies relieving nervous stress and enhances personal creativity.


Southern Right Whale brings real sensitivity in relationships and much pleasure from interactions with the opposite sex – particularly sexual ones.


Tucuxi Dolphin Cleary shows us the path of love and social harmony in relationships helping us to come into synchronicity with the world around us, especially nature.


Yellow Freesia flower brings faith and joy and a feeling of life being worthwhile bringing a real reverence for others and the world around us.  It helps us to be enthusiastic about ourselves and others.


Yellow Tourmaline helps us to overcome limited ways of thinking to expand our consciousness towards new dimensions of existence.  It reminds that we are indeed Light Beings.


Rof, helps to sift out the negative energies in Creation helping to replace them with positive ones.  He embodies total optimism and positivity.


Kirea enhances grace and femininity helping to raise the self-esteem of women – she brings a deep sense of fulfilment and self-respect to the whole Being.


Color:  Deep Yellow

Floral waters: Chamomile

Essential oil:  Ylang Ylang Extra EO.

Theme:  Loving yourself

Energetic ingredients:  Deep Yellow 1-3 Butterfly, Dawson Sun Starfish, Southern Right Whale, Tucuxi Dolphin, yellow Freesia flower essence, yellow tourmaline, Seraphim Angel Ref, Cherubim Angel Kirea


Goddess Elixir-

How do you use the Goddess Elixirs?  You can spray them in your living space or spray them directly over the body.  There is no one way to use them.  Here is how I like to use them.

Before I start my day, I ask which goddess wants to work with me.  If you are using a Goddess from your card pick, then that decision has been made for you.  I start by spraying the Goddess directly over my head.  Close my eyes and spray my face and heart.  I sit and let the energies envelop my being and settle in. This opens a gateway for the essences.  I always start with a Goddess Elixir.

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