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  • GEL C. Kaya Goddess Elixir

GEL C. Kaya Goddess Elixir


GEI C. Kaya Goddess Elixir

KAYA Divine Mother.  There are no words that can do justice to this Elixir.  It is pure Love and an Essence for restoration for the emotions and all levels of our Being.  It is especially a support for women and is like an elixir of life acting as an energetic remedy for many female issues.  Psychologically and emotionally, it uplifts and supports us with a deep Love in the Heart and Joy in the Being.  A gentleness and deep peace come over the Being dissolving problems and sadness. 

Working with a soft scent of the purest Rose it pours Love into the Being providing energetic support for the reproductive system and a deep wellbeing at all levels.


Kaya’s being Energy is pure Love for all Beings and She gently uplifts and cares for each person to restore us to our original perfection and wellbeing.  All the energies work through the Pink 1,2,3, Butterfly color energies bringing Love and Wholeness facilitating emotional, mental, and spiritual love.  The Pink Dolphin (Indigo Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin) supports our close Love Relationships by dissolving Fear and tension showing us the path of true harmony and happiness.  Bryde’s Whale helps us to be in the moment with real enjoyment and acceptance and improving relationships and our ability just “to Be”.  Sea Pen is a Love energy of the sea bringing warmth, appreciation, friendship, and kindness to others.  Rhodochrosite is Love stone which floods our subtle bodies with love bringing emotional wellbeing and more loving interactions with others.  Bleeding heart helps to mend a broken heart bringing renewed trust and openness to Love in our hearts, after painful and traumatic relationship experiences.  The Male Angel Kir looks after the order of Life making sure at Justice is done so life is fair for all people.  Hamea, the female Cherubim Angel is a pure channel of Divine Love bringing pure Joy and fine lightness of Being. 


Butterfly Essences :1,2,3 


Indo Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin:  Brings clearer thinking and a greater ability to assimilate new knowledge and ideas.


Bryde’s Whale:  this empowers us to live in the present moment more completely with greater sensuality and appreciation of each experience in our life.


Sea Pen:  Encourages gratitude and appreciation.  


Energic ingredients:  Kaya Divine Being Energy – Pink 1,2,3 Butterfly - Indo Pacific Humpbacked Dolphin – Bryde’s Whale – Sea Pen- Rhodochrosite Gem – Bleeding Heart Flower – Kir Seraphim Angle & Hamea Cherubim Angle.


Goddess Elixir-

How do you use the Goddess Elixirs?  You can spray them in your living space or spray them directly over the body.  There is no one way to use them.  Here is how I like to use them.

Before I start my day, I ask which goddess wants to work with me.  If you are using a Goddess from your card pick, then that decision has been made for you.  I start by spraying the Goddess directly over my head.  Close my eyes and spray my face and heart.  I sit and let the energies envelop my being and settle in. This opens a gateway for the essences.  I always start with a Goddess Elixir.

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