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  • BE 51. Timika Sommolia - Green -2

BE 51. Timika Sommolia - Green -2


BE 51. Timika Sommolia - Green

This could be called the "FREEDOM" essence. "Timika Sommolia" brings a beautiful, full, and exciting consciousness of freedom of our spirit, with no oppressive earthly situation affecting us. Our spirit is totally integrated with our earthly situation, so we do not feel any oppression or constriction from that situation. This is wonderful because many of us can feel low or depressed because earthly situation imprisons or constrict us. We find that certain situations that we experience completely weigh us down and we feel trapped and unable to find well-being.


Green at any frequency has an integrating effect, and at the 2nd octave frequency, it integrates our spirit with the situations(s) that we find ourselves in. When our spirit is integrated with the earthly situation that it faces, it stops resisting difficulties and effortlessly accepts them - this uplifts the consciousness so it is very light, and not "weighed down" by oppressive or challenging factors. At this moment the spirit realizes that it is free and always has been in fact. So now we feel real freedom of consciousness to accept virtually anything that comes to us with equanimity, positivity, and peace. We can integrate all aspects of our life better, feeling real space and clarity to move in the direction that we need to. To read more about Timika Sommolia you can find it in the book "Butterfly and Sea Essences" by Erik Pehlam page 116.



-This essence can also be diffused in a diffuser. Use purified water, one teaspoon of brandy and six drops of the essence. 


-It can also be put into a blue glass spray bottle to be used as an air freshener. To Create this, use a blue glass bottle 50ml. One teaspoon of brandy, purified water. Add six drops of the essence and enjoy.


Disclaimer:How this essence works is up to each individual and their interpretation in how they feel it is working for them.



If you decide to purchase more than one essence, be sure to use each essence by itself for three days to help integrate the energies of each essence. This will create a download and create a relationship with each essence. Once each essence has been integrated then you can use them all together. Enjoy!

Frequency Personal Self Transformation
The butterfly essence is about self-transformation. Each butterfly essence is a key to unlocking a part of yourself to transform the self. There are three groups of butterfly essences. Groups 2 and 3 work for the early being. It is recommended that you start with group Three. Group Three works with connecting the heart to the Divine Being.


The Group Two

Butterfly Essences are the mid level of Solar Color energies and can represent the colors which impact our consciousness, that is the mental and causal levels of our Being. They have the potential to bring transformation to our thoughts and will power, uplifting our whole ‘conscious self’ in the process.


We can grow with the help of these essences into a new world of exciting possibilities and rich potential for conscious growth. Old habits of the mind which hold us back may be transformed into positive new impulses of real growth and beauty.


These Group Two Essences are keys to a new world which has the potential to put right the wrongs and ills of our previous lives, in a stunning and natural way. They hold great potential to aid us emotionally to overcome difficult states of our nature. They may help to restore the ‘mind' to its harmonic resonance and optimal functioning and work equally with `will` to improve motivation, self-expression and communication. They can be used as tools of a profound and useful nature.


This range of Butterfly Essences is chosen for their particular effect rather than being of a uniform color range (like Group One and Group Three Essences) - hence there are other colors and other hues in this range.


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