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  • BE 06. Suma Mimarillion - Yellow -3

BE 06. Suma Mimarillion - Yellow -3


BE 06. Suma Mimarilion - Yellow


Keywords:  Warmth, Happiness, Friendship, Antidepressant


A lovely enhancer for the social side of our being.  This essence is pure “sunshine”, bringing joy, well-being, balanced emotions and social harmony.  It is the mid-yellow color hue activating the heart and the feeling with pure “sunshine” and well-being.  As the main interaction between people is emotional, this brings greater social bonding with others and real harmony.


This essence is a very good antidepressant when our unhappiness is based on feeling lonely, alienated or isolated from others.  It brings greater vitality, happiness and well-being with real feelings of friendship and warmth towards others.  A good relationship enhancer encourages positive emotions with much energy, positivity and good feelings. It helps us to feel our connection with everything and everyone’s well-being.  Great for new beginnings.


This essence can help us to change deep-set patterns in the will and emotions, so bringing major life changes in direction or orientation.  This is very good for those who become alienated from others because they feel life has been harsh or unfair on them, and then become stuck in such feelings.  This can really bring one out of a deep depression that has been prevailing for a long time and help us to realize our true potential for happiness.  The effect on the will occurs as this is a pale color, working “above” where we would normally expect.


This is a good tool for counselling work or psychotherapy for someone who feels lost in their own world but is unable to really connect with others emotionally or in relationships.


Ways to use this essence:


-This essence can be diffused in a diffuser. Use purified water, one teaspoon of brandy and six drops of the essence.


-It can also be put into a spray bottle to be used as an air freshener. To Create this, use a blue glass bottle 50ml. One teaspoon of brandy, purified water. Add six drops of the essence and enjoy.



How this essence works is up to each individual and their personal interpretation in how they feel it is working for them.


If you decide to purchase more than one essence, be sure to use each essence by itself for three days to help integrate the energies of each essence. This will create a download and a personal relationship with each essence. Once each essence has been integrated then you can use them all together. Enjoy!

Frequency Personal Self Transformation
The butterfly essence is about self-transformation. Each butterfly essence is a key to unlock a part of yourself to transform the self. There are three groups of butterfly essences. Groups 2 and 3 work on the early being. It is recommended that you start with group Three. Group Three works with connecting the heart to the Divine Being.


Group Three

Group Three Butterfly Essences are the densest of the three octaves of Solar Colour energy, and these represent the colours that impact on our Astral and Emotional bodies. They are the light frequencies that affect our creative energies and our feelings.


This is the original set of Butterfly Essences which have been available for several years now. They Impact particularly strongly on our relationships as they can affect our emotions, so they deal with our 'interactivity with others' in particular. This is in strong contrast with Group Two and One Essences, which are much more centred on personal development issues. So these mix especially well with the Sea Essences which are also relationship centred in their application. These essences can also be brilliant boosters for many different types of creative activity.

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